About Mary

She should have not one trade but twenty hobbies; she, unlike the man, may develop all her second-bests . . . Women were not kept at home in order to keep them narrow; on the contrary, they were kept at home in order to keep them broad. The world outside the home was one massive narrowness – a maze of cramped paths, a madhouse of mono-maniacs. It was only by partly limiting and protecting the woman that she was enabled to play at five or six professions and so come almost as near to God as the child when he plays at a hundred trades . . .

-G.K. Chesterton, The Emancipation of Domesticity

And now following the profound quote, I must go on to write about myself. Awkward.

But! I’m so happy you’re here. By way of introduction, I’m a Catholic wife of going on two years. I was extremely blessed to wed a hot and holy man, whom I refer to as The Dash: a genius of software development and making homemade tortillas, who wins almost every game we’ve ever played together and who specializes in listening to my contorted ramblings and anxieties and trading them for something calming and simplifying. God love him.

Courtesy of Morning Star Images

We courted! Yes, we did. Fifteen months, followed by seven months of engagement, all culminating at the incensed altar and a Nuptial High Mass. Old-fashioned, amazing. I wrote about it a lot here (ah, those good old days!). Some people admired, some people questioned, but we had a blast overall and ended up happily and healthily married with no regrets and immense peace. Would we want our kids to choose the same? Accountability, prudent chaperoning, largely hands-off?


But can they really get to know each other? Will they have a healthy relationship? Won’t they have any fun? Is it really all necessary?

YES! (In our humble, non-judgmental, thoroughly experienced opinions.)

Moving on.

We married! We went to the beach! Ten months later, we had a baby! Our little bud! He’s adorable and chunky, adventurous and expressive. Can’t imagine life without him…and, Lord willing, many more…

Courtesy of my phone

What do I do?

Well, I’ve done a hodgepodge of things over my near-quarter of a century of living. Right now, I keep a baby alive and an apartment out of total disarray. I spend time with family and friends and call my mom every day. I have made traditional Catholic planners in the past and should hopefully be making more this summer. I wrote a (long) novel, my childhood magnum opus turned into reality, as a surprise present for my sister. I nearly lost my marbles but I did it. I hope in the next ten years I’ll have a finished trilogy out of it that’s polished and published so you can read it.

And … that’s all I can think of!